Wednesday, March 11, 2009

3D Character Animation

My favorite class this quarter was character animation. Wow! I learned so much about workflow, hold poses, in-betweens, when to apply the squash and stretch in a full body, or that wonderful whip/ wave principle.

Anyway, I will also be taking an acting for animators class next quarter, and I can't wait to learn more about acting choices and how to apply them. This is my dialogue clip for my final. I'm happy with it but would like to have fixed a few things back in blocking 2 unfortunately. Here it is.

Drawing in Motion

So here's my final for drawing in motion. This by far was one of my most difficult class ever. I learned so much, yet it will take a lot more time to develop the needed skills from this class. If there's one thing I learned, it's OBSERVATION IS KEY.

Here are a few good videos about observation, drawing and animation. It's probably material we've all heard, but it never hurts to reinforce it all. Check them out here.

Anyways, here is my final for drawing in motion. It was a hand drawn animation in flash with photoshop painted backgrounds. I'm pretty happy with it, but there is always things to make better.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Advanced Modeling/ Design

So the quarter is wrapping up and I thought I'd start posting my final projects to share. This is my final from a class I had to take called Advanced Modeling and Design, where you could honestly do anything you wanted for the final, but I decided to throw together a model to break up all of my animation assignments.

This project was a nice "on the side" project. I sometimes find it hard to keep motivated in animation and it does help to have others things to keep you busy. This includes, digital paintings, modeling, drawing, or even reading a good book. There was a great post about this on Carlos Beana's blog (who you should check out... I think he has some great work). But check out his blog here and look for the post titled motivation... it's a good read.

I'll get my other finals posted soon. Hope you enjoy it.